Friday, March 16, 2012

What's up peeps? I know, I know, it's been like almost 2 months since I last posted and I said I wouldn't get so behin in posting bad. I don't have much of an update on gym time and getting fit because the truth is, I haven't really been going. I keep using the excuse that I don't have time and I have too much going on, well it's time for me to stop making excuses! As you all know, I'm loving The Biggest Loser now and this season is all about No fitting. I can say I've been eating less at least, so yay me! Don't take away my happiness for that, just let me have that self happiness right now, ok? Anyways, since I don't have much of an update on that, I feel I should at least update everyone on the craziness that has been my life the past couple months.

First off, about a week ago, I quit my job. Now I know some of you are like What? Are you crazy? This has been a long time coming...I was very unhappy and it was going to be so long before I was hired on from being a temp. Bottom line, it just wasn't what I was looking for and it wasn't a good fit. My next update is verrrrryyyyyyy exciting, well at least to me it is.

I finally signed up as an independent Scentsy consultant! You may be wondering why I'm so excited over this, well it's simple, it's because I LOVE Scentsy! Anyone who knows me knows I have loved candles forever, so this made perfect sense for me. It's a better, safer way to make your home smell ah-mazing! The warmers use a low-watt lightbulb to melt the wax. Oh, and they're cheaper and last longer than candles, in addition to having much better scents that you can also mix and match to create your own scents. If you want to learn more about it, check out my website:  and also feel free to "like" my Facebook page:  :-)

Like how I did a little self promoting there? Lol.

My last update is probably the most exciting and most stressful at the same time. We're officially house hunting! We've decided we want to finally pick one place to settle down and turn a house into a home, complete with a big, fenced in backyard for our dogs to run around in! So needless to say, any tips on the whole buying a house thing, will be greatly appreciated!

I did forget to mention that Rob got his foot in the door at a very well-known Fortune 1000 company as a temp and he actually loves it! I'm so proud of him and I know that this is only the beginning for him! Keep your fingers crossed that they hire him on soon! And just so no one is worried about me not having a job at the moment, I am job hunting! I was bored after two days of not having one, so I'm definitely looking and hoping to get a new one ASAP! I do have to say that's know I've made mistakes in my career, but at the same time I don't regret any of them because I've learned from them and wouldn't be in the mindset that I'm in now. And this new mindset is going to be an awesome asset for any employer that's lucky enough to hire me. :-)

I am thinking about either changing the type of blog this is or creating a new one...I have some ideas bouncing around in my head and I don't want to just write about my journey to getting fit. I want to do one that's based on my daily life and everything that is going on...I know I've had a few posts that have already been doing that, but I guessing want to make it more "official." Let me know what y'all think about that!

A couple more short, quick, since I have been slacking at the gym and I do have some extra time right now, I plan on walking my dogs around the subdivision more and hopefully taking them to a nearby park I recently discover! Second, I've officially started taking my concentration courses that are required to receive my degree. My concentration is in Human Resources and I have to take 3 extra right now I'm taking two classes atoned and omg...definitely need to practice time management to do this lol. I think I've covered everything that has happened, or at least close to everything. And I will definitely update y'all more...and if I do make a new blog I'll let y'all know the new link! :-)

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