Sunday, January 29, 2012


I know I've been very MIA on the blog lately, just had a lot going on. Rob and I have been going through some things that I won't talk about on here, because certain things do need to be kept private. I can say that what we have been through had brought us closer, made us stronger, and has shown me what true love and unconditional love really is and that it does exist. :-)

The other reason I didn't post anything last week is because I didn't go to the gym at all last week. My workout buddy hurt her back, I hurt my tailbone and we had a lot do for our last class of our management course so we decided to focus on that. We slacked so much during this course that it was very stressful and we vowed to never let that happen again. I do have to say that the tailbone thing was my fault. A night of drinking and a small hill in the backyard are not a good combo lol.

I can definitely say that I can tell a difference in my mood and energy when I don't go to the gym, and I hate it. I went to the gym on Thursday and sitting on the machines irritated my tailbone so I didn't do very much. I skipped Friday night so I could recover some more, but I did go yesterday morning. I did free weights and one machine so that my tailbone would hurt that much. I also ended up doing 30 crunches and a total of 10 minutes on the elliptical. 10 minutes is my personal best, so I was very proud of myself! I ended up asking my workout buddy how she stays on so long because once my legs burn I feel like I'm going to die, even though I know I really won't. She told me how her boyfriend said that it's good when it burns (which I've known, but it still sucks). and that she just does less strides. After asking some more questions I learned that she focuses on the number of strides she does rather than on the time. I tried that for the last 5 minutes I was on the elliptical and it totally makes a difference. When I start to feel that burn and don't think I can go any longer, I take a 15-30 second break, and then start back up. I'm thinking that on Tuesday night I'm going to be able to stay on even longer...I actually can't wait to see my frenemy, the elliptical!

As for the crunches, I haven't done those in about a year. I was up to 50 last time I did the gym so it did kind of suck that I only did 30, but at least I started them back up. I'm paying for it today. My abs are so sore, but it's well worth it and it lets me know that I'm doing what I need to be.

We all know that what and how you eat is just as important and working out though, and since I wasn't going to they gym last week, I was worried about how my eating habits would be. I think I did alright overall. There were times that I probably ate more than I should or ate something I shouldn't have, but it wasn't too bad. About a month ago I decided to start going to Earth Fare, an organic supermarket here in Knoxville, but never ended up going. The reason I wanted to go was because another woman I go to school with had started going and said after a few days she could tell the difference and she felt so much better by replacing what she ate with the organic/gluten free food. On Wednesday she told us that she had lost 15 lbs just by starting to buy her food from Earth Fare and that she hadn't worked out. I figured that if I replace certain foods in addition to my working out, it'll be a good combo. And it really isn't that much more expensive than normal groceries, I can't wait to try it out!

Oh, I almost forgot, I've also signed up for kickboxing classes! I'm soooooo freaking excited about this!!!! I've been interested in kickboxing since I was about 18/19, but because it's not cheap, have never been able to do it. Well, the other day I received my daily email from Living Social about a local martial arts academy offering unlimited kickboxing sessions for one month for only $25 instead of the normal $150. That's an 83% discount! I texted Rob immediately and after talking with him, decided to go for it! I signed up for the deal, and now I'm just waiting for the e-mail that gives me all the details about when it starts and everything. I've never purchased anything from Living Social so I'm not sure how long it takes, but I know it'll be well worth it!

Once I start the kickboxing sessions, my gym time will be cut back, but only by a day or two, and it'll only be for a month. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to get in some sessions during other days that aren't my normal gym days so that I won't really miss that much gym time.

I think I've covered everything that's gone on since the last update, and I'll make sure to not go so long without posting again! Now if only my Dad would get back to posting more too... :-)

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