Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

Just like everyone, I decide every year that my resolution is going to be to lose weight and get in shape; and just like everyone, I never stick with it. I always say that this year is different and I start off really great  at first but then something happens and I fall off the wagon. After reading some very inspiring stories and quotes the past few weeks, I've realized that I really can do this, I just need to believe in myself more. 

I've tried the whole expensive, trendy gym thing with my husband, and instead of focusing on what I need to do, I start to focus on people around me. I start worrying about what I wear and how my hair and makeup look. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. You're at the gym with your man and you start to feel pretty good about yourself, and then you see that one girl who's in great shape, her hair and makeup look fantastic and you're like how the hell does she do it and why is she even here? Of course then, the husband claims not to notice her and tells you that you're not reaching your potential during your workout and to use your state of paranoia as motivation. Coincidence? Maybe, but I of course, don't think so. Now I'm not bashing men here or anything, and I know I have a good man, but come on, he's human. And to be honest, us women have some pretty good man candy to look at too. I'm so getting off subject here...

This year, is totally going to be different though. I say that with confidence! The reason being, I have two friends from school that I'm going to be going to the Y to workout with now, instead of my husband. Working out with other women who are sharing a common goal and can push you even when you feel like you're going to die = great workout plan. At least for me anyways. The fitness areas where all the cardio equipment and weights are, is a little smaller than The Rush (the expensive, trendy gym I mentioned earlier), but it also doesn't feel like it's a place where you have to impress people. Plus they have all the great classes to take, just like the Rush. 

Another reason I feel like this year is going to be a successful one in regards to getting in shape, is because of my dad. I read multiple stories about fathers and daughters joining forces to beat the battle of the bulge together and they were a great support system for each other. Just like the father-daughter teams I have read about, my dad and I share the same love of food. I've never been a skinny girl, I've always been on the chunky side, and while everyone thinks it's cute when you're little, it so isn't as you keep getting older. Now I'm not going to starve myself or anything, and I'm not going to stop eating food I love because I actually eat pretty well. I just need to drink more water and learn portion control. Which is a lot harder than it sounds. So anyways, I decided to ask my dad what he thought about doing the whole weight loss thing together even though we live in different states and just writing a blog to help us in our journey. I'll admit, I thought he was going to say no. My dad's a little stubborn, ok, very stubborn and that's another trait I inherited from him but it's a whole other story. Well you can imagine my excitement when he agreed to do this whole blog idea! 

Looking good isn't the only reason I'm wanting to get in shape. I don't care about the actually number on the scale, I care about how much is muscle and how much is fat and wanting to just be in good shape and be fit and healthy. Major run-on sentence I know, but it's my blog, not English class, so whatever. My dad was actually diagnosed with Type II Diabetes a couple years ago and it's something that worries me. I worry about developing it myself, and I also worry about something happening to him. I don't know what I'd do without my dad around (yes, I'm a daddy's girl-always have been, always will be), and I worry about my little sister and stepmom. (Don't start getting teary-eyed on me now Dad...shake it off, man mushy stuff!) All of these factors combined is what will be my motivation this year. I also read something the other day about if you hadn't have put something off last year, you'd be where you wanted to be already or something to that effect, and it made me realize that if I would've stuck with the gym last year, I'd already be in shape, so yay for procrastination. That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell. 

Anyways, I think I've bored you all enough for the time being. Both my Dad and I will be posting during our journey, and sometimes it may be about other stuff in addition to the whole weight loss thing, but I hope whoever does read this finds it interesting and inspiring. And it's ok to laugh too, life wouldn't be any fun if it was all serious, and hell, watching or hearing about me trying out a new machine at the gym is always hilarious when I'm just learning how to use it!

Watch out 2012, I'm ready for the start of a great year, and to saying goodbye to being chunkified and hello to looking fantabulous!

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