Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dad's Start

Well, I'm glad I was not at my ex-wife's house in Tennessee, not sure I'd restrain as well as Jenn did with lasagna. Good job Jenn! I have enjoyed the first two days of 2012 as days off from work, but I'll head back tomorrow. Plotting some strategies for working out, but walks with near zero windchills will keep that from happening. I am looking at the Y here in Cortland as well. Very bad knees, but the pool does has walking lanes at certain times of the day, may be a good way to start walking without as much stress on my knees. Meals have been good so far. Just a bowl of Cherrios, no sugar, for breakfast. Finishing off the New Year's Eve ham with sandwiches both days. Just a couple of hot dogs last night, my wife was under the weather and slept most of the day, which was something she really needed to do. Tonight another test though, mac and cheese, hmm. Will certainly work on eating less than usual. It might take a little to really get into the swing of the losing weight deal, but I need to do it for my daughters and my wife. Back to work tomorrow, that helps as well, not sitting around the house all day. Later all and keep up the good work Jenn.
Love, Dad


  1. Thanks Dad! You've been doing good as well!!! I have faith in you that you can do good with mac and cheese. :-)

    It does take time, but you have the motivation so you can do this! And if you slip one day, don't beath yourself up, there's always the next day.

  2. Try rowing. Its usually a lot better on the knees and is an overall body work out.

  3. Thanks for the advice, XD. Not sure if I can get that where I am, but I'll check.
