Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This Chunky Girl's Weakness...

If there's one type of food that I have a hard time doing portion control with, it's anything Italian, especially my mom's lasagna. What does my mom do the day after my dad and I started to do this blog? Invite me over to her and my stepdad's house for lasagna dinner the following night. Now of course I'm all excited because it's been a while since I've had her lasagna, but then I realize that I'm going to do this right and exercise portion control.

Since I knew that I was going to be going to my mom's yesterday I decided to at least start the day off right. I had two scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast and two pieces of turkey bacon with a small glass of orange juice. I was definitely starting out on the right track. When I got to my mom's it was around noon and I was ready for lunch so I had a ham and cheese sandwich and I'll admit, some ice cream. Now before I get chastised for eating ice cream, y'all should know that Ben & Jerry's has these little, itty-bitty sized containers now that's about 4 tablespoons. Well, maybe a little more, but I can't remember. It's like portion control for people who like ice cream though, it's genius! And that was all I ate until dinner at 5.

I soooo have to pat myself on the back for my lasagna control. I can normally get my grub on when it comes to lasagna, but this time was different. I had a small salad beforehand, and then 2 small pieces of lasagna and 2 small slices of Italian bread, plus I had a hard time finishing all of it! I did do the whole using a smaller plate thing to trick myself that I was eating more than I was, and anyone who doesn't believe that it works, just try it once and you'll see how much it really does. Now of course I did slip around 9 because I was bored and I snagged another small piece of lasagna, but it was really small and it wasn't like I ate snacks all day. I only ate my 3 meals and didn't keep up on drinking water like I should have. I'm not going to beat my self up though because everyone slips, you just learn from it and start again the next day.

I have some more I'd like to add, but unfortunately I have to go to work today...blah. Hopefully I'll be able to post about how my first time at the Y goes tonight...I can't wait!

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