Monday, May 28, 2012

A minor setback

   I know it's been a while since I posted anything. I had been out of action with my foot, which I am pleased to say is back to 100 percent. I should be right back in the pool, but the end of this month has a number of non-monthly expenses that need to be handled Among those is renewing my membership at the YMCA, I have to put that renewal on hold until early June, but rest assured, I want to get back in the pool. I miss my pool.

   I was also dealing with my Dad's Memorial Service on the 26th which turned out to be a wonderful experience, if you can call something like that wonderful. I saw so many relatives that I haven't seen in over 35 years so that's what made the day managable, along with having Jenn up from Tennessee with Rob and Austin. It was a time to remember Dad and really is a nice touch that was also Memorial Day weekend since Dad was a WWII veteran. Also had a number of friends of our family that I hadn't seen in so long and they helped to share some wonderful stories. I think the one by Nora (a secretary from the power plant that Dad worked at) was especially nice as she recalled my Dad coming to work the first day after I was officially in the house.

   I could go on and on about all of that, but you want to know about my working out. Since I haven't been to the pool, I have been watching carefully how and what I eat so that I don't regress. I have enjoyed hearing people at work noticing that my face and neck have thinned out and my waist has been doing the same thing. I still can't weigh myself, but the waist of my pants have been pulled up much higher and my belt is pulled in as far as possible and it is not helping keep my pants up very well. I may need to do some shopping soon. Yipee!!!! I will be happy when I can report to you my weight and that will give me another measuring mark to work with. I can also say that I still can't walk long distances easily yet, but the short ones don't hurt my knees as much so the combination of building back some muscle and shedding some pounds is having a positive effect that way.

   Speaking of losing weight! Congratulations to Jenn. I know she posted here that she lost 10 pounds, but Saturday, she told me it was actually 11 pounds now. I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!!!! Her idea to do this long distance fitness journey together has truly been a great idea. I am glad she got me into it and I am glad that we are both having good results. I knew she would do very well and she should kick my butt in the long run because she is younger, but, you know what, it's not about how much we lose (that is nice though), it's that we are both working to become healthier adults and that is truly most important because we have other people who depend on us being there for them and we want to be there for them for a long time. Again, THANK YOU JENN for getting me into this, I am so glad you did!

   I guess that will do it for now, but I will be back with more updates as soon as I am back into the full routine again. I plan to kick some daughter butt yet with this old body.

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