Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's Been One Week

I now have that song stuck in my head lol. Seriously though, it's been a week since Rob and I started changing our eating habits. There were a couple times that we didn't really eat the best we should've and let me tell you, we paid for it. Our bodies were not feeling crap food once we started giving it the healthy food. That's one thing that will help keep us on track. I'm not saying we won't give in to temptation here and there, but it won't be any fried fast food again.

My biggest motivation factor for sticking with this though, are the results I'm already having. I've always heard that losing weight and being fit is only like 10% exercise, 90% mental (meaning how and what you eat), and I've never really believed it….until now. In this past week alone, I've really only walked one day, but my eating habits were different, and I've lost 6 lbs! That may not seem like a lot to some people, but I'm so freaking proud of myself. It lets me know that I'm on the right path and it makes me want to make this awesome lifestyle change. I know once I add workouts to my routine, I'll be able to lose even more. I can actually see where I've lost those extra pounds too, and it was in an area that I thought would be the hardest to lose, so double yay!

I've also come to the realization that I've been relying on Rob for workouts for too long. I want to do this for me, no one else, so if he's working his night job after our day job, that doesn't stop me from taking a walk. I've set a schedule for schoolwork and housework, so I'm just going to throw my workouts in there too.

Since a simple :-D type emoticon will not show my excitement…

This hands up in the air, cheesing grin should show a glimpse of it!

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