Sunday, April 29, 2012

It certainly been a while

While I haven't posted for a while, work and as Jenn mentioned it her last entry, I lost my Dad April 18. It's been hard, but I have held up well for the most part. Need to be strong for Mom, who comes back from Florida Tuesday for the summer with Dad's ashes, and my two daughters who meant the world to him. Of course the holding up was working until 2:30 this morning when I woke up in bed crying "My Da has died. My Daddy's gone!" It took a while for Keri (my wife) to calm me down, but I guess that's the first real realization that he's gone hit me. I didn't expect that until Tuesday when I pick up Mom at the airport and take her to Afton and I see a big empty house with just her there. Well, that's where that stands.

As for working out, more people have been telling me my face looks thinner and Keri noticed my waist is thinner. I still can't see over the belly, but I trust her. I'm proud that Jenn and Rob are working out together and working on portion control with their meals. That's the thing I have done the most with since Jenn and I started this trip. I have noticed I don't eat as big a portion of food as I use to. Sometimes I do have to fast food it when one the road covering games, but even then, I can't finish my normal orders, so this orders are getting smaller as well. I must be doing something right.

I have truck to my one mile of pool walking twice a week, but the Tuesday, the day before my Day died I increased the distance. Today with be the four trip with the new mileage. Since I was doing the mile in just under an hour, I added another 17 full laps, now 83 each workout, which give me a distance one and one-quarter miles. It now takes and extra 15 minutes, but I love being in the pool and I've found a good pace that's not real fast and is more even-paced from start to finish. I also have changed how I move my legs. Sometimes I still use the normal strde, other times I do more of a marching step in the deeper water to lift my feet up much higher. It's a nice change and it seems to be helping my knees as well as the knee bends do between segements.

My younger daughter, Katie, did go to the pool last Sunday with me, but she got bored quickly and has vowed not to go back again. She splashed around, but wouldn't walk with me. At the end, she did want to show me how she could swim in the deep end. I guide myself via the wall to the end of the pool so she could swim to me. She did the shallow to deep end twice, and that was it, she was ready to go home. I surprised myself and breaststroked my way from the deep end to the shallow end. It went well so I swam back to the deep end wall and back to the shallow end one more time. I was a little winded, but the breathing was easier than the front crawk stroke so I have hopes of eventually doing part of the workout in the deep end as a swimmer down the road. Baby steps in that aspect, but it is a goal that I think I can reach in a while.

I guess that's it for now. Since I woke up at 6:30. I got this entry in before my normal Sunday pool time so I say goodbye for now and get ready to head to the pool. I love my pool time and I love my family.


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