Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Know, I Know….

I've probably come up with more excuses than anything since I started this. I finally have my hubby on board now though, like he's finally fully committed to doing the Couch to 5K plan and changing our eating habits. Not that I needed him to be doing the same things as me, but it makes it so much easier this way. I signed up for the mobile version of the C25K plan which has a virtual coach helping push you through your workout and let you log the workout, which I think is pretty cool. I also created goals on the training part of the website which I think will help keep me on track more.

Also, since Rob and I are now working at the same company (hopefully that will continue longer, since technically I'm on a temp assignment. I'm hoping that it changes though because I love it! Anyways…) we have decided to follow suit of some of our co-workers and start walking around the complex on our lunch breaks. So not only will we be doing the C25K at night, but we'll have that walk during the afternoon as well.

I have to say, I'm very excited about changing our eating habits. That sounds strange, I know, but I really am! I've been trying to get Rob on board with this for awhile and he finally is…woot! Some of the people in his department are starting the South Beach Diet but I'm not sold on it. You can't eat yogurt or certain red meat ever again and I just can't do that. Not to mention, those are both healthy foods! Anyways, while browsing around on I found an article about what kind of eating habits are best and stuff like that. We both have got learn portion control, but we also have to learn to eat more than we do. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but I swear it isn't. We need to be eating more throughout the day, use portion control and eat healthier, less processed foods. It's not like we eat horrible, but after reading that article, talking with him about it and realizing what we have in our home now, we need to change some things. First of all, less boxed foods. Yes, the Velveeta box dinners and Hamburger Helper meals are quick and easy on nights that we don't have time to make chicken or pasta, but they're really not that great for us. He's also got me to do boxed potatoes for a few years because when we first got married I didn't know much about fresh potatoes, and I could never figure out why a 10 lb bag of potatoes didn't last long lol. However, we're going to just buy one of those packs of potatoes that have like 3-4 in it and do it that way from now on. We are going to finish up the boxed stuff we have because it would be a waste of money otherwise, but after they're gone, that's it. I also finally got Rob to agree to eating fish. I love salmon and tuna steaks and he said he could live with those, especially if he can try grilling them so yay! We're also going to stock up on more fresh fruits and veggies which I love and I'm hoping it will get him to try new ones. We're not worried about sweets because we've noticed that if we don't have them in the house, we don't miss them. We've also noticed that if we get a craving for something, just ignoring it makes the craving go away. Now, I know you can still have treats, and we will, but it's going to be a rare thing.

Once again, I have to say how proud I am of my Dad. He's been doing awesome! I can't wait for him to write his next post so y'all can see what I mean.

On a sad note, my Dad and I lost someone very special to us this past week. My Grandpa Vartanian (my Dad's dad) passed away on Tuesday night and we found out on Wednesday morning. It's been a hard time for our whole family and Grandpa is missed tremendously. I hope that he's very proud of my Dad and I for this journey we're on to getting in shape. I like to think that he's up in Heaven playing golf with his friends and getting lots of hole in ones. :-)

I love you Grandpa!

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