Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm back!

One month in and I am so glad that my daughter has talked me into this. I know I haven't blogged since April 1, but I have been working in the pool and really enjoying it. I wasn't able to go Sunday with the YMCA being closed for Easter so I felt it a little more today, but still got my mile in.By the way, I felt I was a little rushed with Keri having a doctor's appointment so I hustled right along. Instead of talking about that part of the workout, I thought I would pass along some other observations instead.

I have started to develop some friendships, especially on Tuesday morning, because you have the same people at the same times. Instead of being a stranger amongst a bunch of strangers, you find yourself talking about why you're there and what you hope to accomplish and reach as goals. I now have three or four "coaches" there offering encouragement or suggestions about things they did. It's more than just a workout by yourself. It becomes a social time with common people having common goals.

One of those friends, I believe his name is Dan is one of those older guys who can kick my butt swimming, but we spend a few minutes before our workouts talking about the past week. He gave me some insight into why it is good that I'm doing this. He has an out-of-state friend doing the same thing and another person he would like seeing do this. He told me that I have the right reasons for wanting to work out and is happy to offer support. Will we have a social moment outside the Y, probably not, but what's wrong with having a social time in the Y. If he is the guy I think he is, he is a very good swimmer in the age-group in the New York State. I hope I can be as lively as him when I'm his age.

Another benefit I have discovered is how I feel after my workouts. I can get to the pool stressed out from the days before. Getting into the pool and into my little zone really helps me relax. My muscles feel more relaxed and I know I still have problems to deal with later, but I find myself in a much better frame of mind as my pool session goes on. Pool time is becoming a great time to relax and recharge myself. The physical aspect will start to show the more I do this and I know my mental state is also improving.

As far as the time I am in the pool, I have decided that my schedule is really allow just two days a  week right now so I may try to capitalize on that. I actually hate when I reach the end of my workout. I don't have to rush anywhere when I'm done......so.........I think I might start increasing my distance to more than a mile. I know I should try to speed up the pace, but I'm really not ready for that yet, still feel that pull in one right shin and calf in the pool, but it seems to go away the longer I'm in the pool. Why not capitalize on that and work up to adding another quarter mile for now, maybe another 16 laps or 400 yards, nearly a quarter-mile. It won't take much longer, but could feel so much more satisfying. I've found something I really like so why not take advantage of that. Who knows, maybe I could be up to two miles in another month. I'll let you know about that idea more in the future.

Anyways, I've never stuck to any kind of working out for a month before so again, it's a milestone for me. Thank you so much Jenn for suggesting this idea. I love you!


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