Sunday, April 29, 2012

It certainly been a while

While I haven't posted for a while, work and as Jenn mentioned it her last entry, I lost my Dad April 18. It's been hard, but I have held up well for the most part. Need to be strong for Mom, who comes back from Florida Tuesday for the summer with Dad's ashes, and my two daughters who meant the world to him. Of course the holding up was working until 2:30 this morning when I woke up in bed crying "My Da has died. My Daddy's gone!" It took a while for Keri (my wife) to calm me down, but I guess that's the first real realization that he's gone hit me. I didn't expect that until Tuesday when I pick up Mom at the airport and take her to Afton and I see a big empty house with just her there. Well, that's where that stands.

As for working out, more people have been telling me my face looks thinner and Keri noticed my waist is thinner. I still can't see over the belly, but I trust her. I'm proud that Jenn and Rob are working out together and working on portion control with their meals. That's the thing I have done the most with since Jenn and I started this trip. I have noticed I don't eat as big a portion of food as I use to. Sometimes I do have to fast food it when one the road covering games, but even then, I can't finish my normal orders, so this orders are getting smaller as well. I must be doing something right.

I have truck to my one mile of pool walking twice a week, but the Tuesday, the day before my Day died I increased the distance. Today with be the four trip with the new mileage. Since I was doing the mile in just under an hour, I added another 17 full laps, now 83 each workout, which give me a distance one and one-quarter miles. It now takes and extra 15 minutes, but I love being in the pool and I've found a good pace that's not real fast and is more even-paced from start to finish. I also have changed how I move my legs. Sometimes I still use the normal strde, other times I do more of a marching step in the deeper water to lift my feet up much higher. It's a nice change and it seems to be helping my knees as well as the knee bends do between segements.

My younger daughter, Katie, did go to the pool last Sunday with me, but she got bored quickly and has vowed not to go back again. She splashed around, but wouldn't walk with me. At the end, she did want to show me how she could swim in the deep end. I guide myself via the wall to the end of the pool so she could swim to me. She did the shallow to deep end twice, and that was it, she was ready to go home. I surprised myself and breaststroked my way from the deep end to the shallow end. It went well so I swam back to the deep end wall and back to the shallow end one more time. I was a little winded, but the breathing was easier than the front crawk stroke so I have hopes of eventually doing part of the workout in the deep end as a swimmer down the road. Baby steps in that aspect, but it is a goal that I think I can reach in a while.

I guess that's it for now. Since I woke up at 6:30. I got this entry in before my normal Sunday pool time so I say goodbye for now and get ready to head to the pool. I love my pool time and I love my family.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Know, I Know….

I've probably come up with more excuses than anything since I started this. I finally have my hubby on board now though, like he's finally fully committed to doing the Couch to 5K plan and changing our eating habits. Not that I needed him to be doing the same things as me, but it makes it so much easier this way. I signed up for the mobile version of the C25K plan which has a virtual coach helping push you through your workout and let you log the workout, which I think is pretty cool. I also created goals on the training part of the website which I think will help keep me on track more.

Also, since Rob and I are now working at the same company (hopefully that will continue longer, since technically I'm on a temp assignment. I'm hoping that it changes though because I love it! Anyways…) we have decided to follow suit of some of our co-workers and start walking around the complex on our lunch breaks. So not only will we be doing the C25K at night, but we'll have that walk during the afternoon as well.

I have to say, I'm very excited about changing our eating habits. That sounds strange, I know, but I really am! I've been trying to get Rob on board with this for awhile and he finally is…woot! Some of the people in his department are starting the South Beach Diet but I'm not sold on it. You can't eat yogurt or certain red meat ever again and I just can't do that. Not to mention, those are both healthy foods! Anyways, while browsing around on I found an article about what kind of eating habits are best and stuff like that. We both have got learn portion control, but we also have to learn to eat more than we do. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but I swear it isn't. We need to be eating more throughout the day, use portion control and eat healthier, less processed foods. It's not like we eat horrible, but after reading that article, talking with him about it and realizing what we have in our home now, we need to change some things. First of all, less boxed foods. Yes, the Velveeta box dinners and Hamburger Helper meals are quick and easy on nights that we don't have time to make chicken or pasta, but they're really not that great for us. He's also got me to do boxed potatoes for a few years because when we first got married I didn't know much about fresh potatoes, and I could never figure out why a 10 lb bag of potatoes didn't last long lol. However, we're going to just buy one of those packs of potatoes that have like 3-4 in it and do it that way from now on. We are going to finish up the boxed stuff we have because it would be a waste of money otherwise, but after they're gone, that's it. I also finally got Rob to agree to eating fish. I love salmon and tuna steaks and he said he could live with those, especially if he can try grilling them so yay! We're also going to stock up on more fresh fruits and veggies which I love and I'm hoping it will get him to try new ones. We're not worried about sweets because we've noticed that if we don't have them in the house, we don't miss them. We've also noticed that if we get a craving for something, just ignoring it makes the craving go away. Now, I know you can still have treats, and we will, but it's going to be a rare thing.

Once again, I have to say how proud I am of my Dad. He's been doing awesome! I can't wait for him to write his next post so y'all can see what I mean.

On a sad note, my Dad and I lost someone very special to us this past week. My Grandpa Vartanian (my Dad's dad) passed away on Tuesday night and we found out on Wednesday morning. It's been a hard time for our whole family and Grandpa is missed tremendously. I hope that he's very proud of my Dad and I for this journey we're on to getting in shape. I like to think that he's up in Heaven playing golf with his friends and getting lots of hole in ones. :-)

I love you Grandpa!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm back!

One month in and I am so glad that my daughter has talked me into this. I know I haven't blogged since April 1, but I have been working in the pool and really enjoying it. I wasn't able to go Sunday with the YMCA being closed for Easter so I felt it a little more today, but still got my mile in.By the way, I felt I was a little rushed with Keri having a doctor's appointment so I hustled right along. Instead of talking about that part of the workout, I thought I would pass along some other observations instead.

I have started to develop some friendships, especially on Tuesday morning, because you have the same people at the same times. Instead of being a stranger amongst a bunch of strangers, you find yourself talking about why you're there and what you hope to accomplish and reach as goals. I now have three or four "coaches" there offering encouragement or suggestions about things they did. It's more than just a workout by yourself. It becomes a social time with common people having common goals.

One of those friends, I believe his name is Dan is one of those older guys who can kick my butt swimming, but we spend a few minutes before our workouts talking about the past week. He gave me some insight into why it is good that I'm doing this. He has an out-of-state friend doing the same thing and another person he would like seeing do this. He told me that I have the right reasons for wanting to work out and is happy to offer support. Will we have a social moment outside the Y, probably not, but what's wrong with having a social time in the Y. If he is the guy I think he is, he is a very good swimmer in the age-group in the New York State. I hope I can be as lively as him when I'm his age.

Another benefit I have discovered is how I feel after my workouts. I can get to the pool stressed out from the days before. Getting into the pool and into my little zone really helps me relax. My muscles feel more relaxed and I know I still have problems to deal with later, but I find myself in a much better frame of mind as my pool session goes on. Pool time is becoming a great time to relax and recharge myself. The physical aspect will start to show the more I do this and I know my mental state is also improving.

As far as the time I am in the pool, I have decided that my schedule is really allow just two days a  week right now so I may try to capitalize on that. I actually hate when I reach the end of my workout. I don't have to rush anywhere when I'm think I might start increasing my distance to more than a mile. I know I should try to speed up the pace, but I'm really not ready for that yet, still feel that pull in one right shin and calf in the pool, but it seems to go away the longer I'm in the pool. Why not capitalize on that and work up to adding another quarter mile for now, maybe another 16 laps or 400 yards, nearly a quarter-mile. It won't take much longer, but could feel so much more satisfying. I've found something I really like so why not take advantage of that. Who knows, maybe I could be up to two miles in another month. I'll let you know about that idea more in the future.

Anyways, I've never stuck to any kind of working out for a month before so again, it's a milestone for me. Thank you so much Jenn for suggesting this idea. I love you!


Coming Soon...

I do have an update complete with a video that I do plan on posting very soon. Didn't want anyone to think I just dropped off of here. Just been busy. Hoping to post later today!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Today when I was on Pinterest I stumbled upon a pin about interval training to go from walking to running and it brought me to a website about Couch-to-5k planning. It's to get couch potatoes to be able to run 3 miles (or 30 minutes) in about 9 weeks. I decided that it was the kick in the butt I needed. Not that I'm a complete couch potato, but I do have my days. You basically start out with warming up each time with a brisk 5 minute walk and then the first week you jog for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds and do this for 20 minutes. The first two weeks you only do it 3 days a week and then on week 3 you go up to 4, but you always have a day of rest in between.

I've mentioned the track near our house and it's not the kind of track I thought, but there are guides and markers and you have a choice of 3 "tracks" to choose from. We ended up doing the 1 mile track aka the blue track. There's one below it but I'm not sure how far it is, and there's also one above it called the black track which is 1.25 miles. Since it's been storming all around us and we were bringing the dogs we figured it would be best to start with only a mile. Rob was convinced it was going to downpour and I think he was secretly wanting it to happen so he could rub it in my face. I won though! It did sprinkle but that's it so hahahahaha!!!!

Anyways, enough gloating. I only ended up doing one minute of running the whole time. Before you tell me that I didn't do enough running, I'm very well aware of that. I also had a dog to control, pants that were a little too big, and oh yeah, I'm out of freaking shape. I am very proud of my one minute straight of running, and if you have a problem with it, click the little box with the x at the top of the window :-P

I'm also proud of myself that it wasn't just leisurely walking with the dogs for the rest of the mile. It was a very brisk pace and the next step up would've been jogging. I did work up a sweat and my lower back was sore after running so I need to find some lower back exercises to do at home. In all actuality, lower back problems do run on my mom's side of our family and I really am out of shape so once I get in better shape I'm hoping it'll all be good.

We've decided that we won't be bringing the dogs to do this sort of thing again. We do want to take them at least once a week on one of our rest days so that they do get a nice exercise in though, they definitely enjoyed it! On the other rest days I plan on doing some sort of toning or crunches type of exercise so that I'm not just relying on the track days. I may also do pictures throughout to show my progress, but I'm not completely set on doing that yet. I think it will hold me more accountable however, so it's a good possibility.

My goal is to have Rob and I registered and running in a 5k here in Knoxville by June/July if one is going on around then. There's one in May that I'd like to do but I know I wouldn't be able to give it my all by then, so I'm going to have to be patient.

I'm already wishing it was our next day of training!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good Day and Sick Day

Sorry for a week between posts, but the high school season is back in full swing so I'm been busy.

Tuesday was a good day in the pool. I gave up speed for distance. As I said last time I did 55 laps or 1,500 yards. I knew 60 laps would be 1,600 yards (0.9 miles). I decided so I only needed six more laps (150 yards) to reach 1, 730 yards or one mile. I pushed for the 66 mark, (actually 1,750 yards) and it was bothering that right shin again so I slowed down a little. I figured, for now, that the one-mile mark was better than the one hour mark. It only took 10 more minutes because I pushed that first segment, trying to do 17 laps in 15 minutes. Will pace myself better next time, but the goal will now be get the one mile down to the one hour limit.

The best part of Tuesday's pool walk was having one of my inspirations with me. Keri came and sat by the pool while I was walking. It was nice to have her there and having her support. She means so much to me and one of the reasons I'm undertaking the project with Jenn. It was also nice (?) to have her pick on me because my legs were sore because I was almost power-walking to cram those extra laps in the 15-minute window. They really hurt, but they felt better a day later. I also talked to Jenn and my mom later in the morning. They were proud of me as well. My mom has been on me about my weight to so she was really happy that I'm doing this. She was surprised I was up to a mile, but she said that really good. She told dad and they both want me to keep it up.

That was Tuesday. A good day and a nice milestone.

I woke up Sunday (today) and was sick so I didn't go to the pool. I feel bad about it because I enjoy my time there. I've been adjusting my bedtime to get a better sleep routine, but I've still been tired and the cold weather that I sat in to cover games for two days certainly wore me down. I did wake up, but I just couldn't shake the sick feeling so I went back to bed and actually slept two more hours. Good in the long run, but I still miss my pool time. Can't wait for Tuesday.