Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Stuffs

Morning all!

Yes, I'm in a very good mood, which is very surprising since I've only been up for about an hour and am still on my first cup of coffee. Anyways, I have some updates like normal and I have a clue about a project that I'm getting ready to start.

Let's start with updates----

On Sunday I went to the gym setting out to complete Week 1 Day 3 of the Couch-to-5k program, notice I said I set out to….yeah, 11 minutes in and my heel was killing me! I think it's just due to being out of shape and I was pushing myself harder than usual, so after 11 minutes I decided not to. I headed on over to the Arc Trainer so that I could at least get a little more cardio in. I LOVE the Arc Trainer!!!! You can slide, glide and step on it and it works multiple muscles. It's like an elliptical on insert whatever type of vitamin, drug, etc. you want here _______. It's freaking awesome! I only ended up doing about 6-7 minutes on it because the aforementioned heel was still in pain. However, I did even it out so that I did about 2 minutes sliding, then 2 minutes gliding, and 2 minutes stepping (?). If stepping is not the correct verb, oh well, I'm declaring it as the correct verb when I talk about it from now on. :-)

Now some people may think that I really didn't get a good cardio workout in, they lie. I produced more sweat in those 6 minutes than I ever have on the treadmill and I wasn't going light on the treadmill, I sweat when I used it, but the Arc Trainer works more and I think will produce better results. And on a side note, Rob doesn't think I run right, but I don't know how I'm not, I mean, there's only one way to run. Silly boy. It doesn't matter anyways because the Arc Trainer is my new love to hate type cardio equipment!

After that I went on and did my usual 30 minute circuit workout and the Ab Station. I noticed that overall my workout seemed much more effective and produced better results than before…I still say it's because of the Arc Trainer. :-)

That's all I have for updates regarding my workouts. I'm still going to go 3-4 times a week and all, I'm just not going to focus on becoming a runner. I think in time, if I'm meant to be one, I'll end up getting into it, but until then, I've realized that I don't have to be a runner to become healthy and get fit.

In one of my last posts I mentioned about the Undressed Skeleton tumblr blog I've started to follow. Well, I've done some variations on some other "recipes" that she's posted and I've just tried new combinations for myself as well. The first 2 "major" changes I've made is I've switched to whole wheat bread and I now find that I put ground flax seed in my breakfast every morning. It really does help keep you full.

I can't remember the days that I had some of these, but it was last week sometime:

This was just bananas, strawberries and blackberries on top of cereal---I believe it was Raisin Nut Bran.

This was sort of a spin on one of the ideas from Undressed Skeleton---she had posted a pic of a piece of toast with blackberry jam with bananas on top and fennel seed---I did the same but it's on whole wheat toast (I can't remember if hers was or not) plus I had some banana nut bread oatmeal (now my fave flavor and for the first time I didn't add brown sugar to the top of my oatmeal!), with chopped up bananas on top accompanied with of course ground fennel seed. I also had my mandatory cup of java. I actually think this was just on Monday morning!

We all have a sweet tooth and I had been wondering how these were, so when I saw them on Undressed Skeleton I decided I would give it a try since she gave them a good review. These definitely satisfy my sweet cravings! They're made from real fruit and it's only 45 calories per bar---how great is that? 

Even Roxy recommends them! Well ok, she hasn't tried one, but she was trying to! I was eating one on Sunday night and this is the look I got from her lol.

I'm honestly loving every change I've made over the past few months, they've all been for the better and I believe that they'll be for the best. Again, I'm not just making temporary diet changes, I'm making permanent lifestyle changes. I know that I used to HATE wheat bread, I now love it and it's only been a few days. I think it's thicker than white bread and it's more filling on top of being better for you. 

Now that you're all up-to-date, I'll give you all a hint about my upcoming project.

Some people already know---at least my family and a couple of friends do---I still don't want to make an official announcement so I thought it would be fun to post clues in my posts.

Clue #1 -- I bought a journal last night to make notes and be able to write down any thoughts/ideas that come to me when I'm not able to access my cell or computer.

Clue #2 -- It involves something that I used to think about doing when I was younger.

I didn't plan on giving 2 clues, but I know the second one probably won't be much of a clue. I used to want to do so much when I was younger so the possibilities are endless on that one. 

I think it's time to finish my coffee and then head over to the gym---and if anyone thinks they know what my upcoming project is going to be either post in the comment section below or message me on FB. Those that already know---just hush and don't post anything---at least not anything that can reveal what it is!

Oh, one last thing! If you ever decide to go to the Undressed Skeleton tumblr blog, either click on the link I provided in a previous post or Google it----I forgot this morning that it was tumblr and i just typed .com at the end of undressed skeleton and it's porn. Figured I would let everyone know just in case someone made the same mistake I did and was trying to figure out how I was getting tips on healthy living from a porn site. O_o


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