Sunday, August 12, 2012

Feeling Great!

I completely forgot how amazing I feel after I complete a workout! I did the same thing today at the gym that I was doing….the Couch-to-5-K, then the 30 minute circuit workout, followed up by do 60 oblique crunches on both sides and 50 regular crunches. Of course I use the Ab Coaster and some other machine that works on your obliques too, but you still get the same burn so I love it!

Like I said earlier, I've lost 4 lbs without even going to the gym and I do attribute that to keeping up with the changes I've made in eating habits. There are a few new things I've tried recently that I absolutely L-O-V-E! The first thing being Greek yogurt, it is soooo delicious and much more filling than regular yogurt. I really like Chobani, I haven't been able to bring myself to any other kind because I just feel like Chobani's the best there is lol. There are so many different flavors available as well, the only one I haven't liked so far is the Honey one, it was too bitter for me. Here's a link that shows all the flavors  Chobani---they do have a chocolate chunk one, which I've bought but I haven't tried yet, we'll have to see how it is. I've heard mixed reviews so far.

The next new food I've tried is pistachios. All I have to say is O.M.G. ---- I can't believe I've been missing out on these wonderful nuts all this time! They're very filling and make for a great snack!  I don't have much more to say about them except that everyone should go out and buy some and then thank me for informing them of all they've been missing out on. :-)

The last thing I've tried is green tea. I've had green iced tea before and I didn't like it at all. Well let me tell you, Publix makes a green iced tea with ginseng and honey and it is dee-licious! I actually picked up a half gallon today! I did stop in Teavana in the mall and they have a lot of different teas and kettles, and I actually can't wait to go try out some of their stuff. The reason I'm trying to be about tea is because I've done a lot of reading on all the benefits of various teas---some can help you with your skin, some help your immune system, so I at least want to give the beverage a shot. Who knows, maybe I'll prefer it over coffee eventually. If that ever does happen, I will be very surprised though, and someone better check my pulse to make sure I'm still breathing.

In addition to trying new foods and beverages, I've started reading a blog called Undressed Skeleton --- anyone looking for inspiration, motivation or just new recipes to try should check it out. The author has a ton of delicious recipes that are healthy and filling. I feel like if you've ever struggled with weight problems, especially throughout your childhood and teen years, then you can totally identify with her and relate to her story. In one of the sections she says how you should think of exercise as a way to relax and I so did that at the gym today. That kind of attitude makes me want to stick with it and I think that anytime I want to relax now, I'll remember that and it'll be instant motivation. Everyone needs motivation at times, I'm not perfect, I have days I don't want to do anything. So instead of thinking of going to the gym as a chore, or something I need to do, it's going to be something that I do to relax and have time for myself. I'm also trying a variation on one of her breakfasts that she has posted. I'm going to put fresh berries, pistachios, and flax seed on top of my Chobani for breakfast. She used almonds, but I don't have any that I know of, so I figure any type of nut would really work. I'm also thinking about putting the yogurt, nuts, and fresh fruit on top of a cup of oatmeal to give it a little more substance.

I really am excited about incorporating so many of these new things into my life to make a change for the better. I've decided that on Wed, Fri and Sun is when I'll work on the Couch-to-5-k program, along with the 30 min circuit workout and the ab station; and then on Tues, Thurs, and Sat, I'll just do the ab station and circuit workouts and I may alternate the circuit workouts with some free weights so that I'm not doing the circuit workouts every day.

We even did good for dinner tonight! We had chicken cordon bleu (stuffed courtesy of Publix), tossed salad, brussel sprouts (which I did season, but not too much), and fresh sweet Italian sausage tortellini. It was all portion controlled and I only wanted to eat half of the chicken breast so I could have some left over for lunch tomorrow. I couldn't even finish my portion! Luckily, I liked it all since I do  have leftovers for lunch. :-)

I think it's time my Dad updates on here now….hint hint Dad. :-P


  1. I am proud of you my friend! Seems as though you are making changes and liking them which will enable you to continue them as your lifestyle!!!
