Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Walk, walk, walk….

On Sunday I planned on going to the gym and doing schoolwork and housework….did any of that happen? Of course not!

I did however get a satisfying workout in!

My friend Ashley goes on these 3-5 mile walks with one of her friends a few times a week and asked me if I wanted to go. I really wasn't feeling it and was kind of eh about the whole thing, but I'm glad I did!

We walked 3 1/2 miles PLUS we brought both my dogs, Harley and Roxy along for the walk! They needed to get out just as much as I did lol.

Of course, since I can admit I'm out of shape, my lower back did hurt a little bit; it just motivated me to workout more. I know that I have no one else to blame but myself for it, so I'm going to have to go through any pain to achieve the results I want. No pain, no gain, right?

Rob and I were talking about getting up early to go to the gym in the morning, but decided to just stick with the evening workouts. I also put in for a shift bid at work so if I get that, I'll get off work earlier which also means going in earlier, so it makes more sense to go afterwards.

Last Wednesday we also decided to try a new restaurant. I had read on another blog that the place actually isn't that bad for you as long as you pick the right food. We ended up at Genghi's Grill, which is Mongolian stir-fry and omg, it was delicious! Basically, you get this little silver bowl (I swear it looks like a dog food bowl), then you pick your proteins, your veggies, your spices and your sauce and you put as much as you want in that little bowl. Minus the sauce, it goes in a little cup because apparently your food will burn if you mix it in before it's cooked. When you give it to the chef, you choose what kind of rice or noodles you want and he gives you a card with a number on it and you place it on your table and they bring it out to you when they're done. It may not look like a lot it that bowl, but they then put it in an odd shaped bowl that's much bigger and it still may not look like a lot, but trust me, it is! Rob and I both had a hard time finishing ours. The price isn't that bad either---for lunch it's $7.99/bowl and dinner is $9.99/bowl. Ok, so maybe it's a little more than other places, but it's better for you than some of the alternatives. We definitely plan on going back!

I've also decided, while just writing this post, that while yes, this blog is about my dad and I getting fit, I'm also going to include other things in it while I post. I don't really keep up on the other blog as much,  so I think it will make more sense just to add the other stuff that I may feel like getting out on here.

That being said, I have to share something that happened on Skype this weekend. I introduced Papa T to Gangnam Style! Let me tell you, it was AWESOME! He then showed my step-mom, oh, we can dub her Mama K! Anyways, she had already known about it, which I'm not surprised, she keeps up on everything and she's always full of surprises. :-) So when he showed her, she started dancing to it! And Papa T joined in! It definitely made my day! I also then found out from little seester, Lulu (not her given name, but we call each other Lulu and Gigi) that good 'ole Papa T has played the video some more and has been doing some more dancing! Have I ever said how much I LOVE my family? Because I do! I think Lulu and I need to find a way to get this taped, and I will so post it on here. Papa T, it would be better for all if you just agreed to this ---- bwahahahaha.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Is this for real…..

I haven't posted in probably 2 months and it seems so odd. Posting to this blog had become part of my routine, and I'm sad that I wasn't able to post anything, but I'm so excited that I get to again!

The reason for going without posts was because I wasn't going to the gym…at all. I had a medical condition that I had to attend to, nothing serious, everything's fine, and I'm back at the gym! It's been harder to get motivated to go however. I've been saying for the past week that I was going to go to the gym, and I've had excuse after excuse to get out of it. Shame on me! Last night, Rob told me no more excuses, I was going. And I whined and cussed the whole way there lol. Once I was back on that Arc trainer though, I was excited!!!

I know not many people get excited about an Arc trainer, but I really do love that thing. I warmed up on it for about 7 minutes (which was actually at a great pace and was the best I've gotten out of it in my opinion), next time I'm going to strive for 10 minutes. I've decided to just use the Arc trainer as a way to warm-up since I do the 30 minute circuit workout.

So obviously, after the Arc, I went to the circuit workout area. I was not a happy person in that area last night. Not because of the workout, but because of the dang people. All the machines are labeled for circuit workout only and the area is sectioned off, and there's a rule board. I've never had any problem until last night. People decided to use it just for whatever at their leisure. Rob says it doesn't matter and I should just skip that machine and go back to it later, but it's against my nature to do things out of order. It irritates me, I need order. So after doing the first set of step exercises, I decided to go use the Ab Coaster in hopes that the people would be done causing me chaos by the time I finished. Btw, 100 reps on the Ab Coaster for the front, and 50 for both left and right obliques! I did do more for obliques, but that's later on…

Sooooo…..I get done with my Ab Coaster, no one's in the circuit workout area….woot! One guys kept coming in and using one machine but he never was in my way so I was fine with him. However….I get to about machine 13 (there are 20, and those include steps that alternate with the the machines, I hope that all just made sense) and this other guy decides to monopolize 2 pieces of equipment. So the first time, after I was done with the step part, I went on to the next machine even though it killed me to go out of order, and he went to the other machine I didn't need. So of course after finishing the reps on the one I was on, I went and did my steps, and of course he was back on the one I needed. Btw, there's a green and red light that tells you when to start and stop. Of course, since he was doing his own circuit since he didn't want to use the 50 million other machines in the gym, why would he care. I think my 30 minute circuit workout ended up taking about 45 minutes. -_-

After I was finally about to use #13 after completing EVERYTHING else, I went back to the ab station to use the oblique machine. I'm not sure what it's actually called, but that's what it works on. So I did 50 more reps for both my left and right obliques, making that a total of 100 for each side. So I basically did 300 reps for abs. They were on fiah (spelled like that on purpose) afterwards and I LOVED it!

I know I kept ranting and raving about the rules of the gym, but to me, that's one of the things I loved about Planet Fitness. Everyone was respectful of others, didn't get in others ways, and now it seems like that is starting to change. Rob told me to just say something to the person next time, and I may, but in a nice way, to just ask them if I can use the machine since it's for the circuit workout and see how that goes. Or it could just be on certain nights after a certain time that it happens, but since I don't get off work till 7, the only thing I could change is to go in the morning. However, I then worry about time. I know I don't have to be at work till 10:30, but I usually get ready around 9 and leave my house by 10. What if I decided I wanted a longer workout, I'd be screwed. Idk, my dad was doing the whole morning thing, and I'll have more time than he does. Maybe I should give it a try. Anyways, I'm taking the day off from the gym today (I know, I had 2 months off already) but I'm going again Wednesday morning (my off day besides Sunday).

Oh! My motivation for going back to gym: I feel like I've gained back some of what I lost and I noticed I don't have as much energy. So yeah. Has to change. That and I've missed that euphoric feeling after a great workout :-)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I know I know!!

Hee, hee!
I know it's been a while since I posted anything, but it's been crazy busy. Since I last posted, I've spent a good amount of time with my Mom, you seems to be doing okay since Dad died. She'll be heading back to Florida soon so I will miss not seeing her.

Jenn's little sister (Katie) is back in school, first days as an eighth grader and she is becoming a bit of a cook since my wife (Keri) has been in a lot more pain and is finding it much harder to move around. It's a bummer not having her being as active, I miss her going places, though they have been limited anyways. Yesterday, she (Katie) cooked hot dogs when I got home from my game and she also baked brownies later. Only ate one brownie, but I must say she did a great job. She has also made spaghetti and mac-and-cheese, under some supervision by Mom. I think this might have something to do with starting a Home and Careers course at school (Us old folks remember it as Home Ec, which as a guy I didn't have to take back in the horse and buggy days.)

As for me, things have certainly be hopping. Of course, three weeks of running around SUNY Cortland to keep eyes on the New York Jets Training Camp are certainly one way to break up the boredom of slower summers in the sports world here, but as they wound down, the high schools started up. That's been two weeks after writing previews and starting to cover the 19 varsity teams at four schools, seven varsity teams alone in my main beat (Homer). It was nice to have coaches, and even some of my neighbors, ask "Have you lost weight?" I can say yes as far as the slimming down part, but still not sure as I still can't weigh myself :( (need to get under 400 lbs), but most people can't believe I weigh that much. I can say though that I have dropped two pant sizes which is a good chuck of inches when you go from 6X to close to 4X. I'll take that for now. I will admit it is tough to walk a quarter mile from a football field to a locker room and have to keep pulling your pants every four or five steps because your pants and belt are too big! Stopping laughing Jenn, I know there's a suspenders joke lurking in your mind somewhere.
Mark Sanchez

Tim Tebow (Jenn's least favorite Gator)
Matt Simms (former Vol for Jenn)

Yeremiah Bell (one scary dude!)

Maybe my slowing down isn't age, maybe it's the laid back attitude in the house that Bart and Sarah have demonstrated.


As for my workouts, it's still one and one-quarter to one and one-half miles twice a week. I have added more stretching that includes more leg movements and I'm doing one full set of stretching before I start walking for five full sets of exercises other than walking. Katie has gone with me the last two weeks before school started and did some working out upstairs on the bike and eliptical machines before spending some time in the pool with me. I may have to check out what she is doing to get her on more of a structured workout and see if I can work that into my workout plans. With school, she can't go Tuesday mornings anymore, so maybe we will have to look at some afterschool time to get her a second day since she opted to not play field hockey this fall. She's eyeing volleyball in November, which is now a full varsity sport in the fall at the high school and she likes that better than field hockey. She thinks she'll do basketball in January and softball in the spring, but we'll see. She was the last player cut in basketball last season even though she is 5-foot-8. Asthma slowed her down a little. That's why I am glad she is starting to workout at the Y with me a little more. Don't plan to push her, but want to help her getting a little more stamina which will also help her asthma and breathing better. If she stays an athlete good, if not, we'll support her in her music and writing passions. Just want a good student and guide her into a good life. Seems like Jenn has done well for herself and I am so proud of her too. That would be something. working out with both my daughters. I would call that good, quality family time.

I'll try to be better at giving updates again! Jenn has certainly been on me to "Update the blog!"
For now, that's it. I hope you start feeling better Jenn, I know you're a little under the weather. I certainly do love you and continue to be proud of you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Stuffs

Morning all!

Yes, I'm in a very good mood, which is very surprising since I've only been up for about an hour and am still on my first cup of coffee. Anyways, I have some updates like normal and I have a clue about a project that I'm getting ready to start.

Let's start with updates----

On Sunday I went to the gym setting out to complete Week 1 Day 3 of the Couch-to-5k program, notice I said I set out to….yeah, 11 minutes in and my heel was killing me! I think it's just due to being out of shape and I was pushing myself harder than usual, so after 11 minutes I decided not to. I headed on over to the Arc Trainer so that I could at least get a little more cardio in. I LOVE the Arc Trainer!!!! You can slide, glide and step on it and it works multiple muscles. It's like an elliptical on insert whatever type of vitamin, drug, etc. you want here _______. It's freaking awesome! I only ended up doing about 6-7 minutes on it because the aforementioned heel was still in pain. However, I did even it out so that I did about 2 minutes sliding, then 2 minutes gliding, and 2 minutes stepping (?). If stepping is not the correct verb, oh well, I'm declaring it as the correct verb when I talk about it from now on. :-)

Now some people may think that I really didn't get a good cardio workout in, they lie. I produced more sweat in those 6 minutes than I ever have on the treadmill and I wasn't going light on the treadmill, I sweat when I used it, but the Arc Trainer works more and I think will produce better results. And on a side note, Rob doesn't think I run right, but I don't know how I'm not, I mean, there's only one way to run. Silly boy. It doesn't matter anyways because the Arc Trainer is my new love to hate type cardio equipment!

After that I went on and did my usual 30 minute circuit workout and the Ab Station. I noticed that overall my workout seemed much more effective and produced better results than before…I still say it's because of the Arc Trainer. :-)

That's all I have for updates regarding my workouts. I'm still going to go 3-4 times a week and all, I'm just not going to focus on becoming a runner. I think in time, if I'm meant to be one, I'll end up getting into it, but until then, I've realized that I don't have to be a runner to become healthy and get fit.

In one of my last posts I mentioned about the Undressed Skeleton tumblr blog I've started to follow. Well, I've done some variations on some other "recipes" that she's posted and I've just tried new combinations for myself as well. The first 2 "major" changes I've made is I've switched to whole wheat bread and I now find that I put ground flax seed in my breakfast every morning. It really does help keep you full.

I can't remember the days that I had some of these, but it was last week sometime:

This was just bananas, strawberries and blackberries on top of cereal---I believe it was Raisin Nut Bran.

This was sort of a spin on one of the ideas from Undressed Skeleton---she had posted a pic of a piece of toast with blackberry jam with bananas on top and fennel seed---I did the same but it's on whole wheat toast (I can't remember if hers was or not) plus I had some banana nut bread oatmeal (now my fave flavor and for the first time I didn't add brown sugar to the top of my oatmeal!), with chopped up bananas on top accompanied with of course ground fennel seed. I also had my mandatory cup of java. I actually think this was just on Monday morning!

We all have a sweet tooth and I had been wondering how these were, so when I saw them on Undressed Skeleton I decided I would give it a try since she gave them a good review. These definitely satisfy my sweet cravings! They're made from real fruit and it's only 45 calories per bar---how great is that? 

Even Roxy recommends them! Well ok, she hasn't tried one, but she was trying to! I was eating one on Sunday night and this is the look I got from her lol.

I'm honestly loving every change I've made over the past few months, they've all been for the better and I believe that they'll be for the best. Again, I'm not just making temporary diet changes, I'm making permanent lifestyle changes. I know that I used to HATE wheat bread, I now love it and it's only been a few days. I think it's thicker than white bread and it's more filling on top of being better for you. 

Now that you're all up-to-date, I'll give you all a hint about my upcoming project.

Some people already know---at least my family and a couple of friends do---I still don't want to make an official announcement so I thought it would be fun to post clues in my posts.

Clue #1 -- I bought a journal last night to make notes and be able to write down any thoughts/ideas that come to me when I'm not able to access my cell or computer.

Clue #2 -- It involves something that I used to think about doing when I was younger.

I didn't plan on giving 2 clues, but I know the second one probably won't be much of a clue. I used to want to do so much when I was younger so the possibilities are endless on that one. 

I think it's time to finish my coffee and then head over to the gym---and if anyone thinks they know what my upcoming project is going to be either post in the comment section below or message me on FB. Those that already know---just hush and don't post anything---at least not anything that can reveal what it is!

Oh, one last thing! If you ever decide to go to the Undressed Skeleton tumblr blog, either click on the link I provided in a previous post or Google it----I forgot this morning that it was tumblr and i just typed .com at the end of undressed skeleton and it's porn. Figured I would let everyone know just in case someone made the same mistake I did and was trying to figure out how I was getting tips on healthy living from a porn site. O_o


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pool Day

Due to sleeping in later than planned, having to run some errands, and me having school tonight and Rob working, we decided to skip the gym and have a workout in the pool!

I honestly have to say that my muscles can feel it, even if it was just an hour doing various things. We didn't have a set routine or anything like that. I walked a couple laps, did some jumping jacks and squats (in the shallow end, because in 5' section I'm on my tip-toes--hush) and really just did a lot of swimming.

I am disappointed that I wasn't able to get to the gym today, but I'm no longer beating myself up over it. One of the posts I read on the Undressed Skeleton blog recently was about even if you can't get a regular workout or a workout at the gym in for the day, you can find other ways to "workout" and it's all better than just sitting around and doing nothing. I completely agree! I still even felt that rush and happiness that I get from a gym workout after I was done in the pool.

Even so, as much as I liked having my workout in the pool today, and can feel the burn in my muscles, I still do prefer the gym. However, if for some reason I'm not able to make it for some reason, I will make sure to find another way to workout for the day. Still, I am very excited about Friday and getting to do another day of the Couch-to-5k program!!!

There's a couple of projects I'm thinking of starting too, but I don't want to say anything about either of them yet since I've just decided about them today. Xen, I'll send you a message about them since I have a feeling you'll be interested and I'd like to get your input on them. Everyone else, I'm sorry, but you'll just have to wait a little while longer.

Speaking of waiting, my friend was talking about starting up Weight Watchers again, and since I've never gone I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I know quite a few people who have had great success with it. But, at the same time, I figure working out and changing my diet and everything is kind of the same thing, and I don't have to pay anyone to do it. If anyone has any insight on WW, please let me know. I don't want to discredit something that I've never really participated in.

Monday, August 13, 2012


So I know some may think that what I said I was going to have for breakfast, may have sounded horrible, but it's really not --- it's actually very delicious and I'm having a hard time even finishing it all :-)

Tell me that doesn't look good?

It's a cup of oatmeal mixed with Chobani (apple cinnamon flavor), some fresh strawberries and blackberries, and topped with ground flaxseed.