Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Walk, walk, walk….

On Sunday I planned on going to the gym and doing schoolwork and housework….did any of that happen? Of course not!

I did however get a satisfying workout in!

My friend Ashley goes on these 3-5 mile walks with one of her friends a few times a week and asked me if I wanted to go. I really wasn't feeling it and was kind of eh about the whole thing, but I'm glad I did!

We walked 3 1/2 miles PLUS we brought both my dogs, Harley and Roxy along for the walk! They needed to get out just as much as I did lol.

Of course, since I can admit I'm out of shape, my lower back did hurt a little bit; it just motivated me to workout more. I know that I have no one else to blame but myself for it, so I'm going to have to go through any pain to achieve the results I want. No pain, no gain, right?

Rob and I were talking about getting up early to go to the gym in the morning, but decided to just stick with the evening workouts. I also put in for a shift bid at work so if I get that, I'll get off work earlier which also means going in earlier, so it makes more sense to go afterwards.

Last Wednesday we also decided to try a new restaurant. I had read on another blog that the place actually isn't that bad for you as long as you pick the right food. We ended up at Genghi's Grill, which is Mongolian stir-fry and omg, it was delicious! Basically, you get this little silver bowl (I swear it looks like a dog food bowl), then you pick your proteins, your veggies, your spices and your sauce and you put as much as you want in that little bowl. Minus the sauce, it goes in a little cup because apparently your food will burn if you mix it in before it's cooked. When you give it to the chef, you choose what kind of rice or noodles you want and he gives you a card with a number on it and you place it on your table and they bring it out to you when they're done. It may not look like a lot it that bowl, but they then put it in an odd shaped bowl that's much bigger and it still may not look like a lot, but trust me, it is! Rob and I both had a hard time finishing ours. The price isn't that bad either---for lunch it's $7.99/bowl and dinner is $9.99/bowl. Ok, so maybe it's a little more than other places, but it's better for you than some of the alternatives. We definitely plan on going back!

I've also decided, while just writing this post, that while yes, this blog is about my dad and I getting fit, I'm also going to include other things in it while I post. I don't really keep up on the other blog as much,  so I think it will make more sense just to add the other stuff that I may feel like getting out on here.

That being said, I have to share something that happened on Skype this weekend. I introduced Papa T to Gangnam Style! Let me tell you, it was AWESOME! He then showed my step-mom, oh, we can dub her Mama K! Anyways, she had already known about it, which I'm not surprised, she keeps up on everything and she's always full of surprises. :-) So when he showed her, she started dancing to it! And Papa T joined in! It definitely made my day! I also then found out from little seester, Lulu (not her given name, but we call each other Lulu and Gigi) that good 'ole Papa T has played the video some more and has been doing some more dancing! Have I ever said how much I LOVE my family? Because I do! I think Lulu and I need to find a way to get this taped, and I will so post it on here. Papa T, it would be better for all if you just agreed to this ---- bwahahahaha.


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