Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Is this for real…..

I haven't posted in probably 2 months and it seems so odd. Posting to this blog had become part of my routine, and I'm sad that I wasn't able to post anything, but I'm so excited that I get to again!

The reason for going without posts was because I wasn't going to the gym…at all. I had a medical condition that I had to attend to, nothing serious, everything's fine, and I'm back at the gym! It's been harder to get motivated to go however. I've been saying for the past week that I was going to go to the gym, and I've had excuse after excuse to get out of it. Shame on me! Last night, Rob told me no more excuses, I was going. And I whined and cussed the whole way there lol. Once I was back on that Arc trainer though, I was excited!!!

I know not many people get excited about an Arc trainer, but I really do love that thing. I warmed up on it for about 7 minutes (which was actually at a great pace and was the best I've gotten out of it in my opinion), next time I'm going to strive for 10 minutes. I've decided to just use the Arc trainer as a way to warm-up since I do the 30 minute circuit workout.

So obviously, after the Arc, I went to the circuit workout area. I was not a happy person in that area last night. Not because of the workout, but because of the dang people. All the machines are labeled for circuit workout only and the area is sectioned off, and there's a rule board. I've never had any problem until last night. People decided to use it just for whatever at their leisure. Rob says it doesn't matter and I should just skip that machine and go back to it later, but it's against my nature to do things out of order. It irritates me, I need order. So after doing the first set of step exercises, I decided to go use the Ab Coaster in hopes that the people would be done causing me chaos by the time I finished. Btw, 100 reps on the Ab Coaster for the front, and 50 for both left and right obliques! I did do more for obliques, but that's later on…

Sooooo…..I get done with my Ab Coaster, no one's in the circuit workout area….woot! One guys kept coming in and using one machine but he never was in my way so I was fine with him. However….I get to about machine 13 (there are 20, and those include steps that alternate with the the machines, I hope that all just made sense) and this other guy decides to monopolize 2 pieces of equipment. So the first time, after I was done with the step part, I went on to the next machine even though it killed me to go out of order, and he went to the other machine I didn't need. So of course after finishing the reps on the one I was on, I went and did my steps, and of course he was back on the one I needed. Btw, there's a green and red light that tells you when to start and stop. Of course, since he was doing his own circuit since he didn't want to use the 50 million other machines in the gym, why would he care. I think my 30 minute circuit workout ended up taking about 45 minutes. -_-

After I was finally about to use #13 after completing EVERYTHING else, I went back to the ab station to use the oblique machine. I'm not sure what it's actually called, but that's what it works on. So I did 50 more reps for both my left and right obliques, making that a total of 100 for each side. So I basically did 300 reps for abs. They were on fiah (spelled like that on purpose) afterwards and I LOVED it!

I know I kept ranting and raving about the rules of the gym, but to me, that's one of the things I loved about Planet Fitness. Everyone was respectful of others, didn't get in others ways, and now it seems like that is starting to change. Rob told me to just say something to the person next time, and I may, but in a nice way, to just ask them if I can use the machine since it's for the circuit workout and see how that goes. Or it could just be on certain nights after a certain time that it happens, but since I don't get off work till 7, the only thing I could change is to go in the morning. However, I then worry about time. I know I don't have to be at work till 10:30, but I usually get ready around 9 and leave my house by 10. What if I decided I wanted a longer workout, I'd be screwed. Idk, my dad was doing the whole morning thing, and I'll have more time than he does. Maybe I should give it a try. Anyways, I'm taking the day off from the gym today (I know, I had 2 months off already) but I'm going again Wednesday morning (my off day besides Sunday).

Oh! My motivation for going back to gym: I feel like I've gained back some of what I lost and I noticed I don't have as much energy. So yeah. Has to change. That and I've missed that euphoric feeling after a great workout :-)