Sunday, September 9, 2012

I know I know!!

Hee, hee!
I know it's been a while since I posted anything, but it's been crazy busy. Since I last posted, I've spent a good amount of time with my Mom, you seems to be doing okay since Dad died. She'll be heading back to Florida soon so I will miss not seeing her.

Jenn's little sister (Katie) is back in school, first days as an eighth grader and she is becoming a bit of a cook since my wife (Keri) has been in a lot more pain and is finding it much harder to move around. It's a bummer not having her being as active, I miss her going places, though they have been limited anyways. Yesterday, she (Katie) cooked hot dogs when I got home from my game and she also baked brownies later. Only ate one brownie, but I must say she did a great job. She has also made spaghetti and mac-and-cheese, under some supervision by Mom. I think this might have something to do with starting a Home and Careers course at school (Us old folks remember it as Home Ec, which as a guy I didn't have to take back in the horse and buggy days.)

As for me, things have certainly be hopping. Of course, three weeks of running around SUNY Cortland to keep eyes on the New York Jets Training Camp are certainly one way to break up the boredom of slower summers in the sports world here, but as they wound down, the high schools started up. That's been two weeks after writing previews and starting to cover the 19 varsity teams at four schools, seven varsity teams alone in my main beat (Homer). It was nice to have coaches, and even some of my neighbors, ask "Have you lost weight?" I can say yes as far as the slimming down part, but still not sure as I still can't weigh myself :( (need to get under 400 lbs), but most people can't believe I weigh that much. I can say though that I have dropped two pant sizes which is a good chuck of inches when you go from 6X to close to 4X. I'll take that for now. I will admit it is tough to walk a quarter mile from a football field to a locker room and have to keep pulling your pants every four or five steps because your pants and belt are too big! Stopping laughing Jenn, I know there's a suspenders joke lurking in your mind somewhere.
Mark Sanchez

Tim Tebow (Jenn's least favorite Gator)
Matt Simms (former Vol for Jenn)

Yeremiah Bell (one scary dude!)

Maybe my slowing down isn't age, maybe it's the laid back attitude in the house that Bart and Sarah have demonstrated.


As for my workouts, it's still one and one-quarter to one and one-half miles twice a week. I have added more stretching that includes more leg movements and I'm doing one full set of stretching before I start walking for five full sets of exercises other than walking. Katie has gone with me the last two weeks before school started and did some working out upstairs on the bike and eliptical machines before spending some time in the pool with me. I may have to check out what she is doing to get her on more of a structured workout and see if I can work that into my workout plans. With school, she can't go Tuesday mornings anymore, so maybe we will have to look at some afterschool time to get her a second day since she opted to not play field hockey this fall. She's eyeing volleyball in November, which is now a full varsity sport in the fall at the high school and she likes that better than field hockey. She thinks she'll do basketball in January and softball in the spring, but we'll see. She was the last player cut in basketball last season even though she is 5-foot-8. Asthma slowed her down a little. That's why I am glad she is starting to workout at the Y with me a little more. Don't plan to push her, but want to help her getting a little more stamina which will also help her asthma and breathing better. If she stays an athlete good, if not, we'll support her in her music and writing passions. Just want a good student and guide her into a good life. Seems like Jenn has done well for herself and I am so proud of her too. That would be something. working out with both my daughters. I would call that good, quality family time.

I'll try to be better at giving updates again! Jenn has certainly been on me to "Update the blog!"
For now, that's it. I hope you start feeling better Jenn, I know you're a little under the weather. I certainly do love you and continue to be proud of you!